絕對空間 Absolute Space for the Arts
Newton’s “absolute space” law of motion has long been disproved by Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. However, aesthetically, the concept of an eternal static value of art and its definite existence is yet to be explored. Following the belief that art can bring change to people’s lives and situations, the gallery is named Absolute Space and so, it advocates for the appreciation of beauty, the politics of discourse & representation and the creative act. The art gallery is therefore an exhibition hall, a house for expression and ultimately an open space for the conversation of art.
As a non-profit art gallery, Absolute Space is set to satisfy the following three functions; exhibition, interaction, and archive. Regarding exhibition, we aim to provide artists with a stage where they can meet their public, free of commercial interests and expressive limitations. Secondly, on interaction, we view Absolute Space as a meeting platform designed for artists, audiences, and the art market, where conversation on art are held through workshops, dialogues between artists and speeches. Accordingly, we aim to make Absolute Space a perfect place for young artists in Tainan to exchange ideas, communicate, and interact with one another. Last but not least, Absolute Space now focuses on the construction of archives of Taiwanese artists, aiming to help make artists’ voice heard and stand the passage of time.
Located in Tainan, the cultural capital of Taiwan, Absolute Space pursues to build up local aesthetical appreciation. We consider important to build up over our own traditions while eagerly advance art-promoting activities with the focus on modern art, hoping to make Absolute Space a place with local special features and global perspectives.
Opening Hours:
Mon. Off
Tue. Open for reservation
Wed. - Sun. 11:00 - 19:00
No.11, Lane 205, Sec. 1 Minsheng Road, Tainan City.
Tel: 886 +6 + 2233508
Take the 1st and the 7th bus to Zhongzheng Road and Ximen Road intersection, then five minutes walk.
Take the 2nd bus on the way to Kuo General Hospital over Minshen road, and from the hospital t five minutes walk.