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First Half of 2021

 ASA Salon four  Projects in the first half of 2022: "Creative Methods Project,"Criticism and Art Project", "Tainan Local Tours", and "Cross-disciplinary Art Project".


This summer, we have invited several artists to share their creative practices and thoughts. In the " Creative Method Project ", food artist LO,YU-CHI will lead a workshop called "The Art of Preserving Memories." Participants will transform abstract memories from their bodies and minds into "food bodies," exploring the artistic possibilities of using food as a medium. New media artist HSIEH,YU-CHENG will examine the rules and gaps in his creative framework, reevaluating the illusory experiences of machine images. Meanwhile, artist HUANG,I-CHIEH will discuss the theme of "losing control" and share their creative methods developed through unexpected encounters when planned projects get entangled with reality.


The relationship between art and research is a topic frequently discussed within the community. In the"Criticism and Art Project", we have invited young curator CHEN,WEI-LUN to discuss his research strategies from the perspective of aesthetics and exhibition design. He will also share a survival guide for young curators. Artist WANG,CHENG-HSIANG will introduce contemporary art and photography in his lecture, engaging in speculative discussions on art history, artistic creation, and art criticism.


In the realm where epidemics, culture, materiality, and civilization intersect, the "Cross-disciplinary Art Project" will feature film critic HSU,MING-HAN, who will draw on recent science fiction films to explore strategic imaginings of "terrain mapping" and the portrayal of the "other" in contemporary technological developments. Shifting the focus back to the Tainan landscape, the highly acclaimed "Tainan Local Tours" will lead participants to Chen De Ju Tang. Three restoration experts will provide hands-on experiences in historical preservation techniques and craftsmanship, allowing participants to appreciate the beauty of Chen De Ju Tang's painted artworks and architecture.


Text/Planning: HSU,WEI-EN, Design: LI,CHIEH-HSIN



Creative Methods Project 

The Art of Preserving Memories

"Calibration:" and its Visuals

From "Qianjiang School" to "Yanzi Cave"


Criticism and Art Project

Praying Mantis Catches the Cicada: A Guide for Independent Curators

Is There Still Hope for Engaging in Contemporary Photography?


Tainan Local Tours 

Exploring Historical Sites with Restoration Experts: A Colorful Inspection


Cross-disciplinary Art Project

Redrawing the Earth: Cognitive Mapping and Topographic Survey in Contemporary Science Fiction Films

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