First Half of 2018
The Art Development in Tainan has always been closely connected with local history and culture. In 2018, ASA Salon invites experts and scholars from different artistic and cultural backgrounds and with varied creative experiences, and cover issues including aesthetics, space, modernity, writing, image, animation, art criticism, community art, Southeast Asian observations, etc. Furthermore, local touring courses take the participants out in the streets and deep into local space, so as to get close to Tainan’s culture and history.
Contemporary Thoughts
Alienation and Criticism of Everyday Space: Lefebvre
Modernity in Latour’s works
Formation of Aesthetics: Rancière
Changes in Image and Interdisciplinary Experiments
Special Topics in Art Observations
The Intersection of Local History and Art: Observations on Community Arts Festivals and Sharing the Experiences of Editing and Making Publications of Community Arts Festivals
Understand Contemporary Art Without Stress: Four Steps of Art Criticism
Southeast Asian Islands: Exploring Community Arts and Observing History and Culture
Living and Fighting Together: Observations on Indonesian Arts Community
Tainan Local Visit Tours
Traditional Markets
Real Locations of Paintings Dated from Japanese Colonial Period to ROC Period
Do You Know That Hai’an Road Used to be Part of an Inner Sea? – Evoking the Ocean Imagination from the Century-Old Temple
Living Under the Same Temple Roof: Gods That Live Together After Temples Were Torn Down During the Japanese Colonial Period