Second Half of 2017
Tainan, as one of the origins of Taiwanese cultures and arts, has sounded a clarion call for a cultural renaissance in recent years. Therefore, starting from the local culture in Tainan, Absolute Space invites you to rediscover the unique artistic aesthetics of Tainan from multiple perspectives, extend further knowledge on how Western art and aesthetics have impacted and influenced the art development in Taiwan, and hopefully understand the context of development of Tainan’s local art.
Development and Characteristics of Printmaking in Taiwan
Architecture and Space in Tainan
Architecture and Space in Tainan (Downtown Tainan)
Architecture and Space in Tainan (Whole Tainan City)
Tainan’s Art Group History
Paintings and Literature in Tainan
Cinema and Photography in Tainan
Art as a Method
Bauhaus – Black Mountain College – Performance Art
Iconography – Visual Arts – Visual Activism
Field – Archives – Social Connection, Decolonization and Overcoming Modernity
Stories – Illustrations – Graphic Picture Books
From Philosophy to Art, From Art to Philosophy: Between Inner Seeing and the Reality
Deleuze’s Anti-Oedipus: From the Analysis of Schizophrenia to A Thousand Plateaus
Deleuze's Cinematic Aesthetics
Deleuze's Cinematic Aesthetics (Part 1)
Deleuze's Cinematic Aesthetics (Part 2)